Click the image below to see the slides from the presentation I did at the “CopenhagenR – useR Group” meeting on December 5, 2023.
The goal was basically to sum up all the important stuff that has happend in the dynamic world of R in the last couple of years. And introduce some of the new packages and trends that I think will have the biggest impact in the Years to come.
Among the subjects touched are:
bslib, gt, Observable, Arrow, httr2, renv, bookdown, geocomputing, tsibble, WebR, Shiny for Python – and of course Quarto. As well as why big pharma love R (Pharmaverse) and why Open Source and R also make sooo much sense for a small but broad consulting company like mine.
All of which triggered a lot of interesting discussions during the mingling afterwards – a big thanks to all that attended! It was a nice and nerdy way to spend an afternoon off in Copenhagen!
Please notice that it has been made using Reveal.js – so you’ll need to use the left/right and up/down arrow keys to navigate through it.
Niels Ole Dam
Niels er stifter og ejer af Things in Flow. Han har arbejdet som både teamleder, journalist, digital konceptudvikler og webredaktør, og har desuden mange års konsulenterfaring med store redaktionelle websites på open source platformen Drupal. Arbejder i dag med coaching inden for personlig produktivitet, samt som mødefacilitator, ekstern projektkonsulent og flowudvikler for en række enkeltpersoner, firmaer og organisationer. Er desuden stærk til dataanalyse med både R, Disco og ProM.