Get Things Done in Flow

Things in Flow is a digital agency that aims to teach simple, modern, agile tools to teams and individuals to help them get their things done efficiently, pleasantly and in flow.

Things in Flow is inspired by the best parts of David Allens Getting Things Done® as well as the best parts of Steven Coveys 7 Habits framework. Add to that the findings of Mihaly Csikzentmihalyi on how to create flow in your work and private life, and you have an unbeatable recipe on how to manage more by doing less.

Why digital?

Because the techniques mentioned above were all created in a time before Apps, before Smartphones, before Social Networks, before tools like Trello, Things, Omnifocus, Google Docs and Evernote.

There is now an abundance of digital tools to help teams and individuals getting organized. What is missing today is the practical knowledge on how to choose among all these tools. And how to combine them into setup simple, but powerful workflows, that are actually helping you without feeling like an extra burden adding unnecessary stress to your life.

Next step

Things in Flow will teach you the basics and help you setup and maintain these digital workflows in both teams and as an individual.

Click here to learn more about what we do.

Or contact Niels Ole Dam to book a seminar or arrange for an initial call or meeting right away.

GTD® and Getting Things Done® are registered trademarks of the David Allen Company. Things in Flow is not affiliated with or endorsed by neither the David Allen Company nor FranklinCovey.